The Benefits of Email Marketing

Posted on May 14, 2009. Filed under: SEM | Tags: , , , |

Email marketing involves sending emails to promote your products and services: building and maintaining relationships, promoting brand awareness and loyalty. Email marketing is not to be confused with spam, which are unsolicited email promotions. The key feature of email marketing is the opt-in scheme which allow customers to be placed on your mailing list and receive messages of interest to them.

Used properly, email marketing is an excellent tool to generate new and repeat sales, maintain customer relationship and your brand loyalty. Done wrongly, it will irritate your customers and lost potential sales.

1. Increase Sales Leads
Let’s face it. Regardless how good your product or service is, it usually takes a customer more than a few visits to your site before they enquire about your product or services, let alone commit to a purchase. In other words, every sales process requires repetition of marketing exposure to prospective clients. Weekly or monthly emails will keep your brand at the top of their mind. When the need arises, the first company to approach will be you. 

2. Increase your Repeat Business
Getting a customer to purchase is hard work. Maintaining relationships with current customers and getting their repeat business is much easier, and often, more profitable. Emails will remind them the good experience they had and there is a high probability that they will go back to you again.

3. Offer Bundle Promotions to Boost your Sales
Email marketing is an excellent opportunity for you to upsell and cross sell your products. For example, if you’re in the dry cleaning industry, once a customer has made an initial purchase with you, you might want to offer related services like ironing and stain removal etc in your email promotion. 

4. Inexpensive way of Advertising
Compared to traditional media advertising, we all know how cost-effective online advertising is. You need not print flyers and wait for them to be snail-mailed. All you need to do for email marketing is to hire a specialist to help you with the planning and execution. It may be a hassle initially, but in the long run, a good ROI is almost certain.

P.S: If you’re interested to understand how email marketing can improve your business, feel free to ask for a free consultation!

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Hope this helps ^^

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4 Responses to “The Benefits of Email Marketing”

RSS Feed for Bain & Mercer Group Comments RSS Feed

Nice article, thanks. Do you agree with me that email typically works better as a method for continuing and expanding on customer relationships rather than creating them per se?

Yeap you can say that. The integrated message must be in place. It is no point having a good email marketing system with a disorganized website, poor customer service etc

Nice post, you are right about getting a customer to purchase is hard work.

thank alot Michael. Keep reading. cheers!

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